BMG recognises environmental sustainability is crucial for long-term health and well-being and is committed to promoting a culture of sustainability, managing our operations in a manner that minimises our environmental and social impacts and enabling the integration of sustainability principles and practices into everything we do.
To achieve this commitment we will:
• focus on integrating sustainability initiatives throughout the business;• be ethically responsible in managing the projects we construct, the materials we procure and the people we employ;• set sustainable objectives and targets applicable to our projects prior to commencement and facilities on a yearly basis;• engage with local communities to achieve shared and lasting outcomes;• support our workforce in being diverse, engaged, motivated and competent - together working towards the sustainable success of our business;• facilitate the sharing of ideas, knowledge and innovation, internally and externally, that create financial savings and benefit to society and the environment in which we operate;• implement risk and hazard management principles to maintain the health and safety of our people, the surrounding community and the environment; • aim to achieve carbon neutrality in all phases of our operations; and• drive to deliver sustainable profitable growth while satisfying our social, legal and contractual obligations.
To achieve this commitment we will:
• focus on integrating sustainability initiatives throughout the business;• be ethically responsible in managing the projects we construct, the materials we procure and the people we employ;• set sustainable objectives and targets applicable to our projects prior to commencement and facilities on a yearly basis;• engage with local communities to achieve shared and lasting outcomes;• support our workforce in being diverse, engaged, motivated and competent - together working towards the sustainable success of our business;• facilitate the sharing of ideas, knowledge and innovation, internally and externally, that create financial savings and benefit to society and the environment in which we operate;• implement risk and hazard management principles to maintain the health and safety of our people, the surrounding community and the environment; • aim to achieve carbon neutrality in all phases of our operations; and• drive to deliver sustainable profitable growth while satisfying our social, legal and contractual obligations.
BMG is committed to prommoting innovation so all employees are encoraged to consider innovation in all their daily tasks and operations wherever possbile and practical.
To achieve this commitment we will:
• promote research, development and innovation, focusing on efficiency aimed at the ongoing optimisation of BMG’s business operations, reduction of costs, and decrease in environmental impact, and the development of new processes and services to satisfy the needs of the customers;• place BMG at the forefront of new technologies and disruptive business models, by practising a culture of innovation that pervades the entire organisation and creates motivating work environments that favour and reward the generation of ideas and innovative practices by professionals, accepting risk and recognising creative contributions;• create innovations fostering sustainable growth and efficient management of resources and contributing to the social and economic development of the surroundings in which BMG does business;• wherever possible incorporate innovation into all training within BMG by means of courses and specific programmes to develop skills relating to creativity;• identify opportunities and challenges for BMG and detect the need for innovation in processes or services to allow it to act in advance of technological changes in the market;• circulate internally the knowledge gained, so that all professionals are familiar with the best practices applicable to them.• Protect results of the innovation process, ethically managing intellectual and industrial property, which shall in every case entail respect for the intellectual and industrial property of third parties;• support innovations that provide added value for users and boost the satisfaction of shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders;• establish and agree with clients on expectations and standards;• provide clients with products and services that meet their requirements and levels of satisfaction every time• always Insist upon defect prevention and process improvement as part of every job through effective teamwork and measurement;• encourage quality performance based on employee involvement, pride in workmanship and commitment to quality• comply with client specifications and relevant statutory requirements;• ensure that purchased equipment and materials meet required standards and do not compromise on specified quality; • monitor, inspect, measure and report the effectiveness of our quality management goals and system;• train our employees to maintain required standards;• improve our business through business plans, goal setting and performance measurement;• accept only conforming products and services from our suppliers and subcontractors; and
To achieve this commitment we will:
• promote research, development and innovation, focusing on efficiency aimed at the ongoing optimisation of BMG’s business operations, reduction of costs, and decrease in environmental impact, and the development of new processes and services to satisfy the needs of the customers;• place BMG at the forefront of new technologies and disruptive business models, by practising a culture of innovation that pervades the entire organisation and creates motivating work environments that favour and reward the generation of ideas and innovative practices by professionals, accepting risk and recognising creative contributions;• create innovations fostering sustainable growth and efficient management of resources and contributing to the social and economic development of the surroundings in which BMG does business;• wherever possible incorporate innovation into all training within BMG by means of courses and specific programmes to develop skills relating to creativity;• identify opportunities and challenges for BMG and detect the need for innovation in processes or services to allow it to act in advance of technological changes in the market;• circulate internally the knowledge gained, so that all professionals are familiar with the best practices applicable to them.• Protect results of the innovation process, ethically managing intellectual and industrial property, which shall in every case entail respect for the intellectual and industrial property of third parties;• support innovations that provide added value for users and boost the satisfaction of shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders;• establish and agree with clients on expectations and standards;• provide clients with products and services that meet their requirements and levels of satisfaction every time• always Insist upon defect prevention and process improvement as part of every job through effective teamwork and measurement;• encourage quality performance based on employee involvement, pride in workmanship and commitment to quality• comply with client specifications and relevant statutory requirements;• ensure that purchased equipment and materials meet required standards and do not compromise on specified quality; • monitor, inspect, measure and report the effectiveness of our quality management goals and system;• train our employees to maintain required standards;• improve our business through business plans, goal setting and performance measurement;• accept only conforming products and services from our suppliers and subcontractors; and
BMG understands that our operations have a significant impact on the communities in which we operate. We are committed to being responsible and contributing members of those communities. To this end;
We will strive to engage with local stakeholders, including residents, businesses and local authorities to not only understand their needs and aspirations but to also ascertain how best our operations can enhance the social fabric of the community.
We also prioritise the safety and well-being of our employees, clients, contractors, suppliers and consultants by adhering to strict safety regulations and providing a healthy and inclusive work environment that promotes diversity, equality, and respect.
BMG believes good governance is fundamental to building trust and maintaining accountability.
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, transparency and integrity in our business and all our operations.
We have established robust governance mechanisms, including ethical guidelines, risk management frameworks and performance monitoring systems to ensure we operate in a responsible, ethical and compliant manner.
We actively engage with our employees, clients, contractors, suppliers and consultants to maintain an open and honest dialogue and to seek feedback on our overall performance.
BMG is committed to continuously improving our governance, sustainabilty and social responsibilty performance.
We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to align with best practices and evolving industry standards. We also regularly research and innovation to identify and implement new solutions and technologies that can further enhance our sustainability efforts.
We have implemented an innovation management system that includes the establishment of targets, goals and measureable objectives as part of an ongoing improvement process.
We recognise that there is always room for improvement and we are committed to being at the forefront of sustainable property development.