BMG can prepare detailed variations and claims for contractors as well as provide assessments and recommendations on the validity and likely success of variations and claims for project owners, principals, head contractors and subcontractors.
BMG is also formally qualified to assess and offer advice and counselling to clients on the likelihood of success of adjudication claims under the Queensland Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (BIFA) and the NSW Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999. With the ability to cut through to the core issues, BMG can prepare a valid case for its clients in the following areas, having successfully represented its clients in a number of adjudication claims.
Claims and variations; • Preliminary claim and variation review, including document and data review • Issue identification and evaluation • Advice on technical, delay, disruption, cost and other issues
• Claim and variation preparation
• Expert opinion, reporting and review of other expert reports • Dispute resolution and settlement negotiations
• Advice on payment claims
• Advice on payment schedules
• Advice on adjudication applications
• Advice on adjudication responses
• Advice on jurisdiction
• Adjudication claim preparation
• Expert opinion, reporting and review of other expert reports
• Dispute resolution and settlement negotiations
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